lovaliss's Diaryland Diary



Yesterday when I was volunteering at the seminary a tiny little catipillar came crawling across my scritpures. My first thought was, too bad one of the kids wasn't holding this set of scriptures, it would delight them to see this little guy. But then I thought, what do I do with this thing now, I don't want to kill it but it's getting away...

I tried to get it to go on my finger, but it wouldn't. So in last minute desperation I flicked it onto the floor...bad move, but I didn't know what else to do.

Thoughts on Omaha. I'm excited to be going there. Jeff keeps trying to make jokes that I'm disappointed, but I'm really not. More than anything it kind of feels like a relief. I realize that it's not that glamorous, but because of that it seems really approachable, like I can just go there and get to work because I've had to do harder and scarier things ie. getting on a plane and flying to Russia without really knowing anything about what I was doing besides a two day training seminar that briefly ran through my responsiblities. I feel as though I would be completely capable in the hardest of missions like Russia once again, and that because of that very reason, Omaha is really where I'm supposed to be and where I am needed.

Plus there's more to this if I've ever told you, but there is a specific black woman I am keeping my eye out for. For this very reason I am not one bit surprised I am state side, in fact I was guessing Chicago, but I was 500 miles off, not bad considering the entire world was what I had to guess from.

On NPR today they were talking about how they found some fossils identified as homosapians and that they are the oldest they've ever found in Europe. They were found in what used to be the kingdom of Moravia of the former Czeckloslavkia, which I think now is just Slovakia and the kingdom of Bohemia is the Czech Republic. ANYWAYS, the man said that they were 3000 something years "before present time".

This is the first time I have noticed that it is politically correct to avoid saying "b.c." / before Christ.

I thought about how I was sitting in the director's office at the special ed. seminary yesterday and I looked up at a painting on the wall. The painting was of Christ beckoning to the rich man to help the poor and afflicted. You can see the rich man's face and how he's a little frightened and overwhelmed, and behind Christ's beckoning arm you can see the sick men behind him. As I was looking at the picture the director said, "That's what we do here." I looked back at him and nodded silently thinking about how overwhelmed I felt.

In thinking about that statement on NPR today, what good does it do people in the world to do away with Jesus Christ? Tell me what harm or bad comes from Jesus Christ or his life or his example? You can argue that he wasn't a God or God's son or that he didn't "atone" for the sins of the world. You can say that we know nothing of his life because the Bible is fragmented segments pieced together by Constatine under politcal pressure to unite the religious differences of the Roman empire.

But tell me this, how can a man maintain so much influence over this many years? How can SO many people all over the world, in their own ways, testify of Jesus the Christ. How can this man, if he was just a man, affect so many lives and bring about so much goodness in the world, and inspire so much kindness and peace in others? How can one average man impact a world the way he has without being the son of God? And even if you don't believe he is the son of God, then what point is it to try to dethrone him and remove him from our history and our societies? There is no point. Because he IS love. He IS the perfect example. No one in all the history of the world has ever proved that He has ever made a mistake or led a life contrary to what He claimed or other's claimed and what other's witnessed. If there is any way, then I see his being the best way, regardless of what we believe He is or isn't.

I'm also reminded of the Dark Ages. And how the Dark Ages remain an enigma to all historians. No one can explain why they happened or how they happened, or in all the history of the world it has never reoccured.

There is an explanation.

They killed Jesus Christ. They killed his apostatles. If you poison a tree's roots, the tree will die. As did the Church of Christ. The roots were poisened and the world plunged into darkness. How is it that for one thousand years NOTHING new was ever invented? And now we live in an age where inventions are so excessive that what we purchase is already outdated by new inventions. The light of Christ is in all things, it prods and questions and drives humanity to seek goodness and truth. The Dark Ages were completely absent of the light of Christ. Then it returned, and now we are the way we are.

2:07 p.m. - 2005-05-18


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